Welcome to
Boombox Crush

Our Mission

Make the world a better place through music.

We believe that if anything can save the world, it's music!  Nothing else has such an incredible ability to move, unite, empower, and heal. This is why we dedicated our lives to music and why we founded Boombox Crush: to support you and the entire music community in pushing sound forward.

If our deep passion for sound design has taught us anything over our decades of experience, it's that sound matters! Mediocre and generic won't make an impact on an audience, let alone the world.

Our Philosophy

Pushing Sound Forward!

Our tools empower
musicians and producers
to make the best music
of their lives.

Every BxC release is:

  • Incredible sounding
  • Easy to use
  • Flexible and powerful
  • Unique and expressive
  • Useful across genres